I have always loved animals- from my earliest memories of wishing for a puppy as a child, walking my lop eared bunny around our yard in her pink harness and leash, visiting the horses that belonged to my grandparents’ next door neighbors, animals had a hold on me from the beginning. I have worked with animals in some capacity now for the majority of my adult life- from boarding facilities and doggy daycares, off leash pack walker to livestock and equine technician, my professional life has been even more defined by animals than my younger self could have dreamed of. In 2015 I began learning to train dogs in earnest, first through shadowing other trainers, then continuing my education through reading everything I could get my hands on about the science and art of canine behavior and psychology, operant and classical conditioning, and the wide array of canine disciplines and dog sports. Along the way I have pushed myself to continue my education, diving deeper into the scientific aspects of training, and trying to learn from as wide a variety of trainers as I can, including those who work in different disciplines or subscribe to different philosophies than me. I regularly attend and travel for training seminars, and I am a member of the Internation Association of Canine Professionals. I have been offering board and train programs as my primary training model for the past five years because of the results they allow me to offer my clients, and because I have a passion for the one on one relationships I develop with dogs and their owners during the process, and love the challenge of working with dogs at a high level of training, while living with them in my home. Nothing is more gratifying than seeing a dog blossom and change throughout their program.

Sofia Perkis